Ruby’s comments:

In the physical world the higher the law, the fewer it is that is governing the Universe.

There were only four forces: gravitational force, electro-magnetic force, strong electronic force and the weak electronic force

Recently it is found that the number is only three, the weak and the strong are coming from the same source.

Then the String theory is reflecting one paramount explanation of the entire working of the Universe.

This is the kind of explanation Einstein was devoted and worked during the last 50 years of his life to find but failed.

In the spiritual world there are two most fundamental concepts: the Law of Justice, and the Law of Compassion. All other emanates from these two. Then both are compliance to the Law of Truth or Fitra [nature or natural disposition God has implanted into reality].

The meaning of achieving true justice is to achieving true compliance with human nature or ‘fitra’,

And it is also true that compassion is also part of that ‘nature’.

However, justice is like the cake and compassion is like icing on the cake, true compassion cannot be sustained without true justice. The Quran is exhorting God’s compassion all the time which may supersede the considerations of justice most of the time. But in certain cases God is commanding to supersede compassion in order to achieve justice. This is based on the gravity of the situation and the gravity of the law in question.